» New Skills «
Craft (Gunsmithing) (Int; trained only):
Crafting firearms from raw materials is a complicated art, beyond that of the common weaponsmith. It combines knowledge of basic carpentry, blacksmithing, weaponsmithing and clockwork construction. A character with ranks in this skill has been trained in the craft of gunsmithing and is capable of constructing and repairing these complex weapons.
Check: This skill follows the standard guidelines of the Craft skill (PHB). In addition to constructing firearms, a skilled gunsmith can modify existing firearms as described in the Gear section (IK). The DC to complete a customization is the same as the original DC to construct the firearm. Crafting firearms require a wide variety of specialized tools and a good deal of work space. Setting up a gunsmith’s shop costs 1,000 gp, and requires a structure to house the shop.
Synergy: A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (weaponsmithing) receives a +2 bonus on Craft (gunsmithing) checks. Also, a character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (gunsmithing) receives a +2 bonus on Craft (small arms) checks and Appraise checks related to the firearm.
Craft (Small Arms) (Int):
The character is familiar with the workings of firearms and know how to reload their ammunition and care for them.
Check: A successful Craft (small arms) check is required to repack the ammunition firearm. Repacking a (small arms) check dempending on the type of shot to be reloaded. If the check succeeds, the shot is successfully reloaded. If the check fails or the process is interrupted, Repacking must begin anew. If the check is failed by 5 or more, the ammunition is ruined. Repacking is used with the casting of rune bullets (see the gun mage).
Synergy: A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (gunsmithing) receives a +2 bonus on Craft (small arms) checks. Also, a character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (small arms) receives a +2 bonus on Appraise checks related to firearms.
Crafting firearms from raw materials is a complicated art, beyond that of the common weaponsmith. It combines knowledge of basic carpentry, blacksmithing, weaponsmithing and clockwork construction. A character with ranks in this skill has been trained in the craft of gunsmithing and is capable of constructing and repairing these complex weapons.
Check: This skill follows the standard guidelines of the Craft skill (PHB). In addition to constructing firearms, a skilled gunsmith can modify existing firearms as described in the Gear section (IK). The DC to complete a customization is the same as the original DC to construct the firearm. Crafting firearms require a wide variety of specialized tools and a good deal of work space. Setting up a gunsmith’s shop costs 1,000 gp, and requires a structure to house the shop.
Synergy: A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (weaponsmithing) receives a +2 bonus on Craft (gunsmithing) checks. Also, a character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (gunsmithing) receives a +2 bonus on Craft (small arms) checks and Appraise checks related to the firearm.
Craft (Small Arms) (Int):
The character is familiar with the workings of firearms and know how to reload their ammunition and care for them.
Check: A successful Craft (small arms) check is required to repack the ammunition firearm. Repacking a (small arms) check dempending on the type of shot to be reloaded. If the check succeeds, the shot is successfully reloaded. If the check fails or the process is interrupted, Repacking must begin anew. If the check is failed by 5 or more, the ammunition is ruined. Repacking is used with the casting of rune bullets (see the gun mage).
Synergy: A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (gunsmithing) receives a +2 bonus on Craft (small arms) checks. Also, a character with 5 or more ranks in Craft (small arms) receives a +2 bonus on Appraise checks related to firearms.
» New Feats «
New Feats:
Combat Loading: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (small arms or rifle), base attack bonus +3
Having mastered the art of loading his weapons during battle, the character is unaffected by the chaos around her.
Benefit: The character can reload her firearm as a swift action, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when doing so. Normally, reloading a firearm is a standard action, and provokes an attack of opportunity; also, a DC 15 Concentration check must be made or the reloading action is halted, and must be tried again from the start.
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Gunslinger: Dex 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (small arms), Quick Draw
The sun is high in the sky, a scorched tumbleweed rolls listlessly across a dusty street. Two figures stare each other down, ready to grip the handles of their firearms and break the uneasy silence with the tenor of gunfire. They both pull, one fires, the other falls. The victor is a gunslinger, and there is nothing faster than his skilled hand.
Benefit: The character may, on the first round of combat, subtract a number from all her attack rolls and add that number to her Initiative check. This number may not exceed her base attack bonus. Note that even if she doesn’t attack during the first round, the penalty still applies to the first round in which she does attack. The only way to avoid this is to spend the first round refocusing.
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Small Arms): Base attack bonus +1
The character is proficient in the use of all pistols and rifles, and understands how to use them effectively in combat.
Benefit: The character makes attacks rolls with the weapon normally
Normal: A character using a weapon that he is not proficient with suffers a -4 penalty on all rolls.
Special: A fighter or gun mage may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Improved Gunslinging: Dex 17, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (small arms), Gunslinger, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (pistol)
The character’s speed and skill with a firearm is amazing. She can aim and fire faster than many men can blink. Many rumors circulate around her prowess and tavern talk is centered on her latest exploits. Frequently, gun hands, young and old alike, seek her out and challenge her, looking to claim the title for their own.
Benefit: The character’s attack penalty from the Gunslinger feat is halved (round down).
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Sharpshooter: Precise Shot, Weapon Focus with weapon
The character’s aim with his chosen weapon is incredible, allowing him to strike home when others would merely graze or scratch the target.
Benefit: The character adds his Dexterity modifier to damage while using a ranged weapon with which he has the Weapon Focus feat.
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Two-Pistol Fighting: Dex 15
The character can fight with a pistol in each hand, allowing one extra attack each round with the off-hand weapon.
Benefit: The character fights with a pistol in each hand. She can make one extra attack per round with the gun in her off-hand. Also, the penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced to -2 on the main hand, and -2 on the offhand (assuming both pistols are light).
Normal: Without this feat, a character using two pistols would suffer a -6 penalty to attack with his primary hand and a -10 penalty to attack with his off-hand.
Special: This feat does not work in conjunction with the Two-weapon fighting feat from the PHB. The two-weapon fighting feat does not affect pistols. A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Improved Two-Pistol Fighting: Dex 17, Two-Pistol Fighting, base attack bonus +9
This character is a master of fighting with two firearms simultaneously, blasting off more rounds a second before her foes have a chance to draw.
Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack the character gets with an off-hand pistol weapon, the character gets a second attack with the off-hand pistol, albeit at a -5 penalty.
Special: This feat is only useful with pistols that can be loaded with more than one shot, such as a double-barreled pistol, or somehow automatically (or magically) reload. A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Combat Loading: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (small arms or rifle), base attack bonus +3
Having mastered the art of loading his weapons during battle, the character is unaffected by the chaos around her.
Benefit: The character can reload her firearm as a swift action, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when doing so. Normally, reloading a firearm is a standard action, and provokes an attack of opportunity; also, a DC 15 Concentration check must be made or the reloading action is halted, and must be tried again from the start.
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Gunslinger: Dex 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (small arms), Quick Draw
The sun is high in the sky, a scorched tumbleweed rolls listlessly across a dusty street. Two figures stare each other down, ready to grip the handles of their firearms and break the uneasy silence with the tenor of gunfire. They both pull, one fires, the other falls. The victor is a gunslinger, and there is nothing faster than his skilled hand.
Benefit: The character may, on the first round of combat, subtract a number from all her attack rolls and add that number to her Initiative check. This number may not exceed her base attack bonus. Note that even if she doesn’t attack during the first round, the penalty still applies to the first round in which she does attack. The only way to avoid this is to spend the first round refocusing.
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Small Arms): Base attack bonus +1
The character is proficient in the use of all pistols and rifles, and understands how to use them effectively in combat.
Benefit: The character makes attacks rolls with the weapon normally
Normal: A character using a weapon that he is not proficient with suffers a -4 penalty on all rolls.
Special: A fighter or gun mage may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Improved Gunslinging: Dex 17, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (small arms), Gunslinger, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (pistol)
The character’s speed and skill with a firearm is amazing. She can aim and fire faster than many men can blink. Many rumors circulate around her prowess and tavern talk is centered on her latest exploits. Frequently, gun hands, young and old alike, seek her out and challenge her, looking to claim the title for their own.
Benefit: The character’s attack penalty from the Gunslinger feat is halved (round down).
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Sharpshooter: Precise Shot, Weapon Focus with weapon
The character’s aim with his chosen weapon is incredible, allowing him to strike home when others would merely graze or scratch the target.
Benefit: The character adds his Dexterity modifier to damage while using a ranged weapon with which he has the Weapon Focus feat.
Special: A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Two-Pistol Fighting: Dex 15
The character can fight with a pistol in each hand, allowing one extra attack each round with the off-hand weapon.
Benefit: The character fights with a pistol in each hand. She can make one extra attack per round with the gun in her off-hand. Also, the penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced to -2 on the main hand, and -2 on the offhand (assuming both pistols are light).
Normal: Without this feat, a character using two pistols would suffer a -6 penalty to attack with his primary hand and a -10 penalty to attack with his off-hand.
Special: This feat does not work in conjunction with the Two-weapon fighting feat from the PHB. The two-weapon fighting feat does not affect pistols. A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.
Improved Two-Pistol Fighting: Dex 17, Two-Pistol Fighting, base attack bonus +9
This character is a master of fighting with two firearms simultaneously, blasting off more rounds a second before her foes have a chance to draw.
Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack the character gets with an off-hand pistol weapon, the character gets a second attack with the off-hand pistol, albeit at a -5 penalty.
Special: This feat is only useful with pistols that can be loaded with more than one shot, such as a double-barreled pistol, or somehow automatically (or magically) reload. A fighter may select this as one of her bonus feats.